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  • Writer's pictureNuttaputch Wongreanthong

Improving certain experiences can sometimes create problems for other experiences.

Using technology to solve problems is good, but we must carefully consider whether it creates new problems.

This is a topic I often discuss in Design Thinking/Digital Transformation classes. Many focus on adopting new technologies, as we see around us. An interesting example is the new parking card systems many places have started using.

Looking back, parking cards were initially introduced with key objectives like preventing car theft and allowing parking lot owners to charge for parking time. It started with simple paper tickets, evolved to hand-written slips, printers, and then to the more familiar hard cards.

Nowadays, we see slips printed with QR codes, allowing people to scan and pay without going to a kiosk, directly from their smartphones.

This concept sounds good, and some malls have systems that can read license plates, eliminating the need to scan slips for exiting. The system recognizes which cars have paid, letting them exit directly.

However, this raises a concern: does this mean that cars without parking fees can leave without scanning the original slip to confirm ownership? This introduces a new problem due to added convenience.

Another issue some face is the ease of losing these slips, as they are like small pieces of paper, similar to receipts that we might accidentally throw away, confuse with other slips, or damage to the point of being unscannable.

Of course, these issues might not be a problem for those who systematically keep their parking cards. But for many unfamiliar with this method, the new slip system might seem "worse" than the old, tangible cards.

This isn't to say that such developments are bad. They have many advantages, and consumers must decide if the new benefits outweigh the added disadvantages. It also depends on users adjusting their behaviors to minimize new problems, similar to learning to use self check-in at airports.

This story illustrates that developing something requires understanding the trade-offs. You might gain some benefits or improve certain aspects, but it might lead to other aspects worsening or causing frustration for users accustomed to the old ways. If the trade-off is worthwhile, it's not a problem. But if it's not, or if it worsens the user experience, the new customer experience might not be as impressive as intended.

It's a challenge for professionals to consider carefully. Don't just look at the added benefits; new solutions might also have downsides compared to the old methods.

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